
Kandidat i Informatik

Hvis du godt kunne tænke dig at vide mere om min uddannelse kan du læse mere om denne på Aalborg Universitets hjemmeside om Informatik. Du kan desuden kigge lidt på nogle af de projekter jeg har skrevet i løbet af min studietid. Det er desværre ikke muligt at læse dem alle da nogle af dem indeholder oplysninger om personer.


1. semester: Analyse af Trendsales

Denne P1 rapport har til formål at analysere et IT-system i brug. Der valgte system er www.trendsales.dk, som er en online auktionshjemmeside, der integrerer to verdener, nemlig community-strukturen kendt fra forums o.l. samt det klassiske auktionsmiljø. Rapporten belyser problemstillingen omkring hvilke brugervenlige og hvilke kommunikative budskaber hjemmesiden giver den nye bruger. Som analyseværktøjer inddrages bl.a. Lisbeth Thorlacius’ kommunikationsmodel, en usability test i laboratorium og SWOT-modellen. Alt i alt formår Trendsales at henvende sig til deres målgruppe både kommunikativt og især via deres design. De har tydeligvis også haft fokus på målgruppen under opbygning af siden. Brugervenligheden har til gengæld et par kritiske fejl, men hvis blot disse rettes fremstår Trendsales som en særdeles bæredygtig platform, med et stort udviklingspotentiale. Download

2. semester: IT System til administration af UEFA Champions League

Dette projekt omhandler udviklingen af et administrations program til UEFA Champions League. Der er i den forbindelse blevet udarbejdet forskellige typer analyse- og designdokumenter, der indgår som bilag i denne rapport. Selve rapporten består af reflektioner over programdviklingen samt de indlæringsfaser, dokumenterne er udarbejdet under. Download

3. semester: Det Intelligente Hus

Denne rapport omhandler design og udvikling af et IT-system til brug i private husstande, med fokus på el besparelse. Projektet har haft brugeren i centrum for udviklingsprocessen. Der er i den forbindelse taget udgangspunkt i UIM metoden, der anvender brugerdreven innovation, samt en række værktøjer til dataindsamling. Rapporten ender ud i en række mock-ups, der er opstillet på baggrund af brugernes krav og behov, med henblik på at ligge til grund for en videreudvikling af systemet. Download

4. semester: EQ Management System

This report describes the development of a system, designed to support administration and loan of equipment to the employees and students at the Institute of Mathematics at Aalborg University. First it explores which project management method best suits the development. Afterwards an analysis of the problem domain is conducted. This leads to a design document and a functional system. The system is then performance and usability tested. It is concluded that the system works, but could have used a framework in order to be more flexible. Download

5. semester: 3D Search Engine Using Computer Graphics and Film Techniques to Improve Searching

Search engines as Google are used by most people on an everyday basis. This report will investigate if it is possible to improve search engines using visual effects and film techniques. The problem is introduced and a prototype called 3D Search is developed for testing purposes. A test is conducted using an eye tracker and a survey was completed by the test participants. The test data is then analyzed in regards to search engine speed, video feedback and survey responds. The data is presented in the data chapter. Afterwards it is discussed and found to be valid and fairly useful. It is concluded that it is possible to create a search engine prototype using the fore mentioned techniques. The test data shows that, speed wise Google is faster in most cases. However logos and flags give 3D Search some advantages. Download

6. semester: Blå Kors - samtale mellem rådgiver og klient

The organisation Blue Cross (Blå Kors) has fokus on the individual, the relation and the interaction, this can be seen in the weighting of conversation and togetherness. Here interpersonal communication is a big part of everyday life in relation to the individual, planned courses that aims to help people who are marginalized. Blue Cross was founded in Switzerland in 1877 by Louis-Lucion Rochat and later on in Denmark in 1895. Blue Cross is a religious organization that helps people with different problems, for example alcohol. In this project we will look into a counselor/client conversation at Blue Cross. In this particular case it would probably be natural to look into the content of the conversation. However we would like to look at it descriptively with our focus on orderliness and structure. We think, that by looking at how the participants collaborate, we will be able to say see, how the individual appear in the situation and how they relate to each other. Our problem statement is as follows: Læs mere

Blå Kors - samtale mellem rådgiver og klient

The organisation Blue Cross (Blå Kors) has fokus on the individual, the relation and the interaction, this can be seen in the weighting of conversation and togetherness. Here interpersonal communication is a big part of everyday life in relation to the individual, planned courses that aims to help people who are marginalized. Blue Cross was founded in Switzerland in 1877 by Louis-Lucion Rochat and later on in Denmark in 1895. Blue Cross is a religious organization that helps people with different problems, for example alcohol. In this project we will look into a counselor/client conversation at Blue Cross. In this particular case it would probably be natural to look into the content of the conversation. However we would like to look at it descriptively with our focus on orderliness and structure. We think, that by looking at how the participants collaborate, we will be able to say see, how the individual appear in the situation and how they relate to each other. Our problem statement is as follows:

Which orderliness and structure is the conversation characterized by? How is the nonverbal expressed in relation to the verbal and which role does this play compared to the communication? What can we conclude by looking at the participants interaction when we move from micro level to macro related considerations?

We will delimitate the project to using conversation analysis to analyze the orderliness and structure. Also we will look at nonverbal communication using Ekman og Friesens theory. Lastly we will use Goffman to analyze and interpret the results that we have gotten with the conversation- and nonverbal analysis.

In the method chapter we will present phenomenology as our theory of science. This chapter also includes a method for video observation in which we will account for how collected our empirical data and also how we have chosen to use it.

The theory chapter consists of the three theories: Conversation analysis, which attempts to describe structure and orderliness, Ekman and Friesens theory of nonverbal communication which looks into describing emblems, illustrators, adaptors and regulators and Goffmans theory about facework with focus on face and line.

The analysis chapter contains a conversation- and nonverbal analysis. This analysis I based on the empirical data, a conversation between Frederik (counselor) and Elsebeth (client), that we have transcribed. We conclude, at the end of the chapter, that nonverbally the communication is supported primarily by illustrators and regulators. Furthermore we see that Frederiks is present and dynamic while Elsebeth seems more static. It is also seen that Frederik takes the initiative and is a dominating factor in the conversation. The many pauses in the conversation could be thought of as time for reflection which would occur naturally in a counselor/client conversation.

In the Goffman analysis chapter we analyze using more macro related approaches. The chapter concludes that Frederik embraces his role, but Elsebeth tries, in more than one occasion, to distance herself from hers.

In the putting into perspektive chapter we include Rogers theory and try to relate these to our data.

We conclude that Frederik embraces his role as councellor, while Elsebeth on more than one occasion tries to distance herself from the passive role of client.

7. semester: Bid dig nu fast!

En kritisk diskursanalyse af Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning med fokus på tosprogede unge.

8. semester: ViVK til magten

In this project we have designed a campaign for the Liberal Party (Venstre) in the Municipality of Viborg for the municipal election in November 2013 in order for the party to achieve more voters. We have determined this campaign based on a series of studies through voxpops and thereby been in dialogue with local citizens. In addition, we have studied the party's policy and the situation for the 2013 election. In the voxpops studies we have learned that school policy is important for citizens and this field forms the basis for our campaign. Based on the voxpops studies we have selected our target group. The direct target group is composed of families with children living in Viborg city which is not entrenched politically, while the indirect group consists of other voters related to the school field. We have worked segmented in relation to the direct target group and have opted not to treat the indirect target group further. Læs mere

ViVK til magten

In this project we have designed a campaign for the Liberal Party (Venstre) in the Municipality of Viborg for the municipal election in November 2013 in order for the party to achieve more voters. We have determined this campaign based on a series of studies through voxpops and thereby been in dialogue with local citizens. In addition, we have studied the party's policy and the situation for the 2013 election. In the voxpops studies we have learned that school policy is important for citizens and this field forms the basis for our campaign. Based on the voxpops studies we have selected our target group. The direct target group is composed of families with children living in Viborg city which is not entrenched politically, while the indirect group consists of other voters related to the school field. We have worked segmented in relation to the direct target group and have opted not to treat the indirect target group further.

School policy is also important for the Liberal Party (Venstre) in the Municipality of Viborg and therefore we conducted an interview with two politicians from the party's Children- and Youth Committee. This interview is a part of our situation analysis. To obtain a deeper insight into our target group’s position to the school field we have interviewed a chairman and vice-chairman of the board of governors at a school situated in the city of Viborg. This interview is a part of our target group analysis.

In the target group- and situation analysis we come to the conclusion that both sides express a desire to improve schools so that existing resources are used optimally and they also want to create a red thread through the school system. The red thread refers to a better transition between institutions so that the transition between kindergarten and primary school and primary and secondary flows more freely. The children must be better prepared for life after the current institution.

Focusing on the red thread in the school system we have designed a communication product that we have presented in a relevant form for the target group and presented in a different format than usually in political campaigns. The product is designed as a brochure depicting a satchel. When this is opened an extract of the Liberal Party’s (Venstre’s) school policies emerge. Furthermore an image of the party’s leading candidate emerges including a text which the recipients can identify with.

Finally we have reflected on the product's future, the use, and implications for the local government election. We see these dimensions in relation to the leading candidate including the citizens' relation to this candidate, and furthermore we consider the product in relation to its impact on voters of the municipality's outlying areas versus the citizens of Viborg City.

9. semester: Identity in Proxemic Interaction

This project report is part one of a two-part project spanning two semesters. The goal of this report is to investigate if it is possible, using the XBox Kinect, to recognise a person from a set of five or less people. A large amount of data was collected during a two-day experiment which involved tracking and measuring users as they placed themselves in a couch. The data collected trough this experiment wasthen used as input for a recognition algorithm. The result was that two out of four tests were successful, and a user was correctly recognised. There was however no conclusive evidence as to which parameters impact the possibility of a successful recognition. The data does suggest that the height of a person may have an impact, but there was no decisive evidence of this. Download

10. semester: Nordkraft 360 - A Collaborative Public Display Using Proxemic Interactions

In this paper we present our findings concerning the use of explicit proxemic interactions for navigating panoramic images displayed on a collaborative public display in Nordkraft, a cultural center in Aalborg, Denmark. We look into existing literature regarding interactive public displays as well as proxemic interaction in HCI. We created four distinct proxemic interactions to navigate a set of three high resolution panoramas, and implemented them on a public display, which was deployed for a month at Nordkraft. In total we recorded 1336 sessions of interaction above 20 seconds of length, during deployment we made 95 observations and 20 interviews. We found that some people would find the display confusing to use, but also that the majority of people we interviewed were able to explain how the interactions they had used worked. Based on the findings we discuss how the feedback a player receives from the display when interacting may be a contributing factor to some people finding the display confusing to use. We conclude that explicit proxemic interactions may be a viable form of interaction for future interactive displays. Download